Getting your tax issues right from the start is the best way to avoid trouble down the track. And we’re here to help small to medium-sized companies and the individuals behind them do just that.
We specialise in assisting family-managed businesses with their tax affairs, with expertise in discretionary trusts and companies. At the same time, our taxation advice extends to superannuation benefits for clients approaching the age of sixty. In fact, if you’re in this age group, the advantages of testamentary trusts in terms of income splitting and specialist advice regarding special discretionary trusts are particularly relevant.
We believe that an in-depth understanding of your business is essential. And we know that ensuring clarity around possible litigious points of law in a contract or agreement at the time of negotiation should never be underestimated. The value of our expertise lies in our ability to recognise contingencies you may not have considered, helping you avoid costly restructuring and the risk of future litigation.
If you need assistance with tax rules concerning special disability trusts, we can help. We’re experts in the field, and we’re proud to be recognised by Centrelink as the largest specialist provider of this type of trust in Australia.