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To be presented by Toby Winten and Kieran Hoare
Investors are firming up their strategies to navigate through these uncertain times. Part of any good strategy should include using superannuation for maximum effect.
In this webinar, you’ll get the lawyer’s take and the planner’s take on popular strategies, including:
- Downsizer contributions for selling your home;
- using catch up concessional contributions to manage CGT liability;
- commencing pensions and recontribution strategies
- transferring your business property to super including:
- using different leverage strategies with your super
- freeing up money to reduce non-deductible debt
- doing it without stamp duty and sometimes without capital gains tax
- buying the business premises using multiple owners’ superannuation savings
- using multi-generational funds
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More about the Presenter
Kieran, an SMSF Specialist Advisor™, thrives on finding fresh solutions and giving clients and their advisors clarity, including
- Giving clients who have implemented their Family SafeTM peace of mind knowing that their estate plan protects their inheritance for their family and deals with their superannuation clearly and tax effectively;
- Dealing with complicated family dynamics and the sense of relief people feel when a solution is found to a problem that has been vexing them for years;
- Giving cutting edge strategies of transferring commercial property into super, saving thousands in interest and bank fees;
- Helping clients navigate the complicated superannuation compliance for their maximum advantage;
- dealing with death benefit disputes, member disputes and disputes with the ATO;
- superannuation splitting strategies;
- protecting inheritances from family provision claims;
- protecting against elder abuse;
- saving on death benefits tax; and
- asset protection .
Toby’s specialties include Self-Managed Superannuation, Business Succession and Investment Advice. He strongly believes in the benefits of integrated advice and actively engages with our accountants and our clients’ lawyers to achieve the best overall structures, strategies and solutions.
Our clients are time poor and are trying to navigate the risky and complex investment landscape in today’s markets. Defining clients’ goals and focussing on the immediate challenges is the key to establishing relevant and effective strategies. Clarifying their strategy allows our clients to be in control and manage the timing of critical decisions to identify and protect key assets which ensures they stay on course and achieve their more valuable longer term goals.
Toby has worked with many families on the complex areas of Succession Planning, Estate Planning and the inter-generational transfer of wealth. He has seen first-hand many of his clients realise their lifestyle goals and benefit from professional advice over the last 15 years. Toby is passionate about preventing and avoiding “costly mistakes” and preserving “A Lifetime of Effort”.
“Financial Freedom is knowing that you have Choices, Strategies, Control, and Confidence”